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Frankston Peninsula Multiple Birth Association

Expectant Parents Evening

Thu, 5 Oct 2023
19:30 - 21:00

Expecting multiples? Not sure what to expect or where to start? Join us for a parent-lead (yep we all have multiples so can talk from lived experience) information session to answer all those burning questions... how will I manage more than one baby? what pram should I get? Are twins really double trouble or is it all twice as nice??

Run by the Frankston Peninsula Multiple Birth Association (FPMBA) this FREE to attend event is open to all - members, non-members, parents, grandparents, and helpers of all descriptions!

Register here: https://forms.office.com/r/XcC4UnJwYx

Details on how to join our meeting will be sent to all registered participants the week prior.

PO Box 586 Frankston VIC 3199, Frankston, Victoria, 3199, Australia

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